Happy Wednesday everybody! I am starting my day off by introducing a new weekly post: Entrepreneur Crush of the Week! Every week, I will feature a new entrepreneur - somebody who inspires me in more ways than one and has impacted me and, ultimately, my work. Some of you may have built your empires all by your lonesome but I haven't! And there's no better way to scream, "THANK YOU" than to write nice things and post it for the whole world to see via the internet.
Photo credit @captureit.ro - stolen from Angyalosi's Facebook page! -This is the bear print I bought!
Meet, Beata Angyalosi, a Romanian photographer who LLOOVVEESS animals and has even rescued a few stray dogs <3 Did I mention we met online? Like, recently? During one of my daily scrolls through a favorite Facebook group, I saw a photographic composite she had shared and I immediately had to have it! You guys, SHE SOLD ME A PRINT! If you know me, you know I'm not one to purchase art from an artist - I have no reason, I guess I'm just a sucker for Goodwill finds and Target wall art. But I was really excited about this piece! So much so, I made her sign it! (Rather, I asked her nicely and she obliged.) I waited patiently for this print to cross both land and sea and alas, it came in the post yesterday! I went immediately to Michael's and had it fitted for a matt and frame. It now hangs in my bedroom - the only art in this room, my sanctuary. This piece just speaks to me!
So what inspires me about this Romanian stranger? The fact that she shared her work, first and foremost. To be honest, I haven't seen another composite like hers on the group page. This means she is unique, creative, TALENTED, and proud of it. *finger snap* Also, her kindness inspires me. I mean, she RESCUES STRAY DOGS FOR FUN. And gives them loving homes. She even has a dream of donating to animal shelters from money she collects from her photography. Lastly, her photographs inspire me. As a photographer, I'm constantly looking for ways I can improve and fine-tune my personal style. I think we subconsciously (or consciously) surround ourselves with people we hope to be like one day. And, as an artist, I can say Angyalosi is somebody I strive to be more like!
Check out her Facebook page and her website!
Updated to add the following quote: "Even if you do it for yourself, if you do it with heart, it will reward you." - Beata Angyalosi
Like, how dare you be so kind to me. Seriously. I hit the stranger JACKPOT over here.
So don't mind me. I'm just going to be over her reciting this over and over to myself because it matters. And it's true!
Maggie models my new print :)
What? You thought I made up my bed every day? Pft.